Downtown Niagara Falls Queen Street Traffic Weather Cam
Downtown Niagara Falls Queen Street Traffic Weather Cam
Enjoy viewing this live video streaming city of Niagara Falls traffic weather camera in the downtown area of Niagara Falls overlooking the busy Queen Street in the city centre area of Niagara Falls in Southern Ontario
Niagara Falls is a Canadian city on the Niagara River in the Golden Horseshoe region of Southern Ontario. Across the Niagara River is Niagara Falls, New York.
The city is dominated by the Niagara Falls, a world-famous set of three large waterfalls on the Niagara River and benefits from the fact that both falls, the American and Horseshoe, can be best seen from the Canadian side of the river, thus giving the city one of the major tourist attractions of the world. The natural spectacle brings in millions of tourists yearly.
Camera Categories:
Location: Queen Street Traffic Cam - Downtown Niagara Falls - Niagara Falls - Golden Horseshoe Region - South
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